Proforma's Rielly Troyer Named ASI's Distributor Up-And-Comer of the Year for 2024


TAMPA, FLA. (May 31, 2024) – Proforma, the largest family-owned and operated distributor in the print and promotional products industry, is thrilled to announce that Rielly Troyer, of Proforma Printhouse, has been named ASI's Distributor Up-And-Comer of the Year for 2024. In just his second full year in the promotional products industry, Rielly has generated over $1 million in annual revenue, showcasing incredible dedication and skill.

Working alongside his parents, Brad and Michelle Troyer, at Michigan-based Proforma Printhouse, Rielly has demonstrated exceptional talent and work ethic. Despite starting with no clients, he has built a successful book of business through relentless effort, strategic prospecting, and innovative solutions.

“I am very fortunate and blessed to be in a position that empowered me to find the success it takes to be named ASI’s Up-And-Comer of the Year. It is very rewarding to see what my hard work has turned into in a short period of time,” said Rielly Troyer, Director of Business Development at Proforma Printhouse. "Proforma has been instrumental in my success with benefits such as purchasing power and financial backing. They also provided strong guidance with an in-network acquisition and additional out-of-network acquisition that helped propel the start of my career."

Rielly's approach to sales includes making consistent cold calls, understanding client goals, and delivering creative merchandise solutions. He has focused on niche markets and leveraged his passions and market insights to drive growth. Despite his youth, Rielly has overcome challenges by incorporating his fresh perspective and delivering outstanding results. His innovative solutions have attracted high-profile clients, including a Fortune 500 company.

“Rielly is an impressive young man and has helped his parents grow their Proforma distributorship,” says Greg Muzzillo, Founder of Proforma. “I’m confident that in the coming years he will help them achieve even greater success.”

Proforma congratulates Rielly Troyer on his well-deserved recognition and looks forward to his continued contributions to the company and the industry.

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